1. Mailstone of AI, AlphaGo, 2016
Machine learning is not a new concept, but the latest version of the machine learning legend has indeed just happened recently. Have you heard about AlphaGo? AlphaGo is an artificial intelligence program developed by DeepMind that made history in 2016 by defeating a world champion Go player.
Back in the year 2000, the computer program Deep Blue played to a draw against the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. Under this milestone, human couldn’t even fathom how to defeat top Go players on a Go board, and some believed it to be an impossible task forever. Indeed, the \(19 \times 19\) Go board has 361 intersections, and the number of possible combinations is astronomical, making it a task that even the most powerful computers couldn’t handle. Furthermore, unlike chess, every Go piece (stone) has equal values and there is no difference between them, which makes it very difficult to evaluate the situation on the board and make decisions accordingly.
However, in just 16 years, this last bastion of human intelligence was breached by computer programs. In 2016, a computer program, AlphaGo, defeated top Go players from South Korea for the first time in a Go competition. In one year, the new version AlphaGo, Go Master, defeated the current world No. 1 ranking player from China. After that, the strongest version of AlphaZero could give three handicaps to top professional Go players. I consider this event to be a significant milestone in the history of AI. Among the many technologies behind AlphaGo, machine learning played a significant role. Following that, various applications of machine learning blossomed, and people started applying this computer technology to a wide range of fields.
For example, people use machine learning to generate CT scan images with potential side effects from harmless MRI scans; Machine learning trains programs to assist doctors in extracting essential information from medical images; More powerful spam filter is also trained by machine learning algorithm; When you take photos with your cellphone, automatic portrait recognition and focus are also achievements of machine learning; Up until now, you can communicate with ChatGPT seamlessly and obtain reliable information, all thanks to the dividends from machine learning.